the valley

noun. short for "The San Fernando Valley", an section of the City of Los Angeles, touching the north/west border of LA county. population 2.5mil (approx). the closer to the edges of the valley you get (the hills), the nicer (more expensive) the property is. the closer to the center of the valley you get (Reseda, Van Nuys, etc), the more ghetto it gets. The valley used to be agricultural (1930-50's) then became a suburb, then more recently has become more industrial and is becoming more urban. Home to the largest Porn industry in the world (see chatsworth), the worlds most used road (the 101 freeway) and so much more. The valley is said to be where the excessive use of the word "like" first originated, but the rest of teen america seems to have picked that up now too. see also "SFV" or "818"
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to the valley. Some of the top words include: valley girl, sfv, the 101, valley girls, hella, and 25 more.